Gotta Support The Team (6/5/03)
Consider this a call to arms, Boston-area Mac fans: MacMinute noticed that Apple has officially set the grand opening date for the Apple Store Chestnut Hill, and the magic day is a week from this Saturday. So fire up iCal, grab a red Sharpie, and make a big red circle around June 14th*. If you've got anything else scheduled that day, like a major organ transplant or a mandatory meeting with your parole officer, cancel it. Some things are just far more important.
See, since this is the third Apple retail grand opening in the Boston vicinity (fourth, if you count Rockingham Park over the border in the Granite State), the novelty's pretty much worn off by now, so we're concerned that the Chestnut Hill shindig might wind up lacking a little something. Like enthusiasm. Or customers. So we're hoping that by giving you over a week to plan, you'll be able to find time to pry yourself away from whatever it is you people do on Saturday mornings (probably what... cartoons or something, right?) and drag your butts on down to support the team. The gates open at 10 AM sharp; bonus points go to those who show up more than two hours early. Double bonus points if you paint pro-Apple propaganda on your face and/or bare chest.
Needless to say, the AtAT staff will be there, hopefully in full, but at least in part. Unless there's something good on TV. Actually, you know what, screw it-- we've got TiVo. We'll be there come rain or shine. Unless our parole officer calls, or that kidney comes through. See? Now that's commitment. As usual, we'll be handing out free AtAT stickers to folks who say hi, so keep your eyes out for the sleep-deprived geeks in the AtAT t-shirts. The one with shifty eyes may be dragging a dialysis machine behind him.
*You know, we really shouldn't have to tell you this, but that was a joke. If you really go ahead and draw a big red circle on, say, your $2000 Apple Cinema Display HD, you will ruin it. "Badly?" you ask. "No, actually, very well," we answer. So just don't. And if you do, sue us and we'll smack you.
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SceneLink (3996)
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And Now For A Word From Our Sponsors |
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| | The above scene was taken from the 6/5/03 episode: June 5, 2003: Rumor has it that Apple's working on some sort of video camera to ship alongside the upcoming videoconferencing-enabled update to iChat. Meanwhile, Microsoft may be preparing to ditch the Mac platform completely, and Apple sets a date for the Chestnut Hill retail grand opening...
Other scenes from that episode: 3994: I Want My, I Want My DLD (6/5/03) In October of 2001, Apple unveiled the iPod, a best-of-breed digital audio player that integrated seamlessly with iTunes and changed the way we think about portable music. At least, that's what this here brochure tells us... 3995: "Abort, Retry, Vamoose" (6/5/03) Say, remember when we recently noted that Microsoft reps had revealed that apparently "Redmond Justice" was all a dream somebody had on "Dallas" and the company was therefore dropping development of all standalone versions of Internet Explorer in favor of tying it completely into Windows?...
Or view the entire episode as originally broadcast... | | |