Long Live The Turtleneck (7/24/00)

Opinions are funny things; everyone's got one, and there's no accounting for taste. Still, even given the vast range of opinion when it comes to style, if there are any people left who won't admit that Apple's at the forefront of the computer industry fashion-wise, they're probably also members of the Flat Earth Society. Every single product in Apple's product line is a paragon of fashionable design, and last Wednesday's product announcements should make that fact all the clearer.

But while Apple's products are undeniably the style leaders of the industry, some people feel that its iCEO is one big Fashion Don't. That's right; while Steve's Reality Distortion Field is capable of making otherwise rational human beings suddenly start spending the kids' college funds on small cube-shaped computers, it's apparently not able to stop the likes of the Financial Times from tossing him in the "Worst-Dressed CEOs" category. Oh, the humanity! If we hadn't read it ourselves at Go2Mac, we'd never have believed it.

Then again, now that we've dug a little deeper and looked at FT's CEO fashion criteria, we have to say, those guys are in desperate need of a clue or three. Apparently Steve's on the worst-dressed list because he's refused to "take the more conservative option" when it comes to personal appearance. In FT's opinion, if you're a CEO, jeans and sneakers are off-limits: "Steve Jobs, chief executive of Apple, has evolved, but from the way he was dressing, you couldn't tell whether he was an executive, a pop star or a guru." Well, duh, people-- he's all three, and that's why the fans love him-- and why Apple's doing so well after hitting that scary low point three years ago. We sense a serious misunderstanding of the computer culture as a whole, and Apple's culture specifically. (You can just hear the beige emanating from the desks of the FT people, can't you?)

It gets better: "Executives must not sacrifice their credibility and personal power by wearing clothes that are too relaxed to command respect." Because we all remember just how many Macs Apple sold when the far more suitably-clad Gil Amelio was calling the shots, right? And of course, we definitely all respected and trusted him in his three-piece suit. If you ask us, Steve should be proud as hell for being labeled "worst-dressed" by the suit-addled clowns at FT. After all, he commands respect the old-fashioned way: he earns it.

SceneLink (2435)
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The above scene was taken from the 7/24/00 episode:

July 24, 2000: One would think that dual-processor G4 Macs would be real news-- so why are the analysts yawning? Meanwhile, the Financial Times names Steve Jobs one of the worst-dressed CEOs in business, and Apple's lawyers hint at a sense of humor with their new "Elephant Disclaimer"...

Other scenes from that episode:

  • 2434: Ahead Of Its Time (7/24/00)   Okay, so Expo's finally over; it was a struggle, but your exhausted AtAT staff did in fact manage to crawl back to Boston before collapsing in a heap. In fact, we even managed to fix a few AtAT 2.0 bugs and answer a sizeable chunk of our email before falling unconscious and dreaming fever-dreams of tiny grey cubes chewing our legs off...

  • 2436: Of Elephants And Mice (7/24/00)   Here's a quickie that borders on the surreal: eagle-eyed faithful viewer Joey Nelson spotted something rather interesting about Apple's Pro Mouse White Paper. On the surface, the PDF document does pretty much what you'd expect: it describes the features of the new Pro Mouse in commendable detail...

Or view the entire episode as originally broadcast...

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