The Janet Jackson Story (1/25/00)

C'mon, you knew it'd be a star from the first moment you saw it: the Expo crowd held its breath in anticipation as Steve yanked the covers off Apple's new consumer portable known as the iBook. Sure, it was "Rubenesque," its color sense was "daring," and the handbag-style handle was, er, unique. But despite the inevitable whining about heaviness and "girliness" and so forth, everyone knew deep down inside that the iBook had that special essence known as star quality. And while sales got off to a late start due to availability problems, now PC Data has confirmed what we all could have guessed from the beginning: the iBook is the hottest laptop on the market.
According to an Apple press release, PC Data found that the iBook was the number one selling laptop computer at U.S. retail outlets for the fourth quarter of last year. That's the quarter which includes the frenzied consumer spending spree known as "the holiday season," in case you've forgotten-- which means Good Things for Apple's continued consumer success. In fact, if you combine the numbers for iBooks and PowerBooks, Apple reportedly scored a solid 10% share in the U.S. retail laptop market; not bad at all. Imagine what the numbers might show when Apple finally ships Pismo, especially if a Graphite iBook is really in the cards as well.
So congrats to the iBook for making its mark on the computing landscape. We're sure it wasn't easy to claw its way to fame and fortune when debuting in the shadow of big brother iMac, but everyone's favorite girly laptop succeeded admirably. However, fame is fleeting, and the public is fickle; here's hoping the iBook has some new tricks up its sleeve to keep things interesting in the months ahead. It'd be a shame for the iBook to turn out to be a one-hit wonder.
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SceneLink (2053)
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And Now For A Word From Our Sponsors |
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 |  | The above scene was taken from the 1/25/00 episode: January 25, 2000: The results are in, and the iBook was the top-selling laptop over the holiday quarter. Meanwhile, Microsoft continues its long-held tradition of fudging test results, and what exactly is up with Apple's sudden decision to pull Audio Update 1.2?...
Other scenes from that episode: 2054: Old Dog, Old Tricks (1/25/00) Tsk, tsk-- you'd think Microsoft would have learned something from all those "creatively enhanced" test results they wheeled in for the "Redmond Justice" trial. Remember the faked videotapes showing how Windows 98 supposedly runs slower when Internet Explorer is removed, and the hilarity that ensued when government mouthpiece David Boies spotted the proof that the before and after results involved two different computers?... 2055: Issues, Schmissues (1/25/00) Here's a question for you: what do you suppose was so wrong with Apple's latest Audio Update that it got pulled mere days after it was posted? Audio Update 1.2 was for USB-equipped Macs running Mac OS 9, and according to Insanely Great Mac, it was posted last Thursday to "improve USB audio support" and "provide support for the Harman Kardon iSub speaker."...
Or view the entire episode as originally broadcast... |  |  |